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Filtering by Category: cover action

The Walking Dead #60 cover


the biggest question i always get is "when are you returning to the Walking Dead?" and since i've never had any plans to return, i've always said, "Never."

but like my mom always said, never say never, and here i am, returning to FULL art duty on The Walking Dead for a 6-issue fill-in arc, starting with #60, following my upcoming Fear Agent story.


Battle Pope cartoon on!


So, the folks at have launched the new Battle Pope cartoon, done by Noodle Soup, the dudes that brought you Venture Bros! And on top of that, they've already got a handful of episodes up to view! go check it out!

and in celebration of this, i have put up a gallery of the Battle Pope covers on the site! I have some more i need to find the files for, but the lion's share is already in there.

Battle Pope cartoon on!


So, the folks at have launched the new Battle Pope cartoon, done by Noodle Soup, the dudes that brought you Venture Bros! And on top of that, they've already got a handful of episodes up to view! go check it out!

and in celebration of this, i have put up a gallery of the Battle Pope covers on the site! I have some more i need to find the files for, but the lion's share is already in there.

Battle Pope cartoon on!


So, the folks at have launched the new Battle Pope cartoon, done by Noodle Soup, the dudes that brought you Venture Bros! And on top of that, they've already got a handful of episodes up to view! go check it out!

and in celebration of this, i have put up a gallery of the Battle Pope covers on the site! I have some more i need to find the files for, but the lion's share is already in there.

Fear Agent vol.4: Hatchet Job TPB cover


So i finished this a while ago, but had no way to post it until my server reset at the end of the month.

So, here she is, the cover for Fear Agent vol4: Hatchet Job, which was written by Rick and the interiors were done by Jerome Opena.

also, i added the version of the Fear Agent: I Against I cover that showed up on the internet before Christmas. Turns out, that cover image will go unused in lieu of a cooler one i did shortly afterward. So, until i decide to share that one, you can check out what will not be:

as always, you can check out larger versions of these images in the Gallery.

Fear Agent vol.4: Hatchet Job TPB cover


So i finished this a while ago, but had no way to post it until my server reset at the end of the month.

So, here she is, the cover for Fear Agent vol4: Hatchet Job, which was written by Rick and the interiors were done by Jerome Opena.

also, i added the version of the Fear Agent: I Against I cover that showed up on the internet before Christmas. Turns out, that cover image will go unused in lieu of a cooler one i did shortly afterward. So, until i decide to share that one, you can check out what will not be:

as always, you can check out larger versions of these images in the Gallery.

XXXombies #3 cover colors, Bad News Bugs.


It's been a long time since i left you without a dope beat to step to.

2008 is in full effect, and with it, i bring artwork!
here are the colors for XXXombies #3, with lineart by the indomitable Kieron Dwyer.

And with the good, comes the bad.
Rich Johnston reports the end of The Exterminators at issue #30. Unfortunately, this is more than mere rumor, and it breaks my heart to know it. I sincerely would like to thank everyone who dared give us a chance for their support. I hope it was fun for you guys, because i know i had a blast. I only regret not being able to do more of it.

In trying times when poor-to-mediocre books are being publicly bashed by the readers who still habitually buy them in droves, but books like ours struggle to find a modest sustainable audience despite the love the fans and critics have shown, it's hard not to take things a little sorely. But those who have read The Exterminators and supported it have been nothing but kind and wonderful to us, for which i can never thank them enough. All good things must pass, but you have all made this one a great time while it lasted.

XXXombies #3 cover colors, Bad News Bugs.


It's been a long time since i left you without a dope beat to step to.

2008 is in full effect, and with it, i bring artwork!
here are the colors for XXXombies #3, with lineart by the indomitable Kieron Dwyer.

And with the good, comes the bad.
Rich Johnston reports the end of The Exterminators at issue #30. Unfortunately, this is more than mere rumor, and it breaks my heart to know it. I sincerely would like to thank everyone who dared give us a chance for their support. I hope it was fun for you guys, because i know i had a blast. I only regret not being able to do more of it.

In trying times when poor-to-mediocre books are being publicly bashed by the readers who still habitually buy them in droves, but books like ours struggle to find a modest sustainable audience despite the love the fans and critics have shown, it's hard not to take things a little sorely. But those who have read The Exterminators and supported it have been nothing but kind and wonderful to us, for which i can never thank them enough. All good things must pass, but you have all made this one a great time while it lasted.