ComicBloc Interview up
i just saw that this little ditty went up recently.
Clearly, it's a little older than it lets on, since it says i'm working on a book that's already on stands.
still, check it out @!
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Filtering by Category: interviews
i just saw that this little ditty went up recently.
Clearly, it's a little older than it lets on, since it says i'm working on a book that's already on stands.
still, check it out @!
Once again, the guys caught up with Rick and me for yet another brain-pickin'.
Click here to download the episode!
also, make sure to pay attention to the last verse of the rap song they put in the middle! Holla!
this one's by Christoper Hoerdemann!
this one's by Christoper Hoerdemann!
check out this interview by, recorded on the show floor in Chicago.
my work-frazzled ass shows up at the 19:22 mark.
check out this interview by, recorded on the show floor in Chicago.
my work-frazzled ass shows up at the 19:22 mark.
Newsarama has just put up a quick interview i did regarding my Amory Wars covers.
click the link to CHECK IT OUT.
and here's the cover to #4!
Newsarama has just put up a quick interview i did regarding my Amory Wars covers.
click the link to CHECK IT OUT.
and here's the cover to #4!