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Filtering by Category: Marvel

a couple of lovely FrankenCastle #19 reviews


FrankenCastle 19 cover by Simone Bianchi So, FrankenCastle #19 hit the shelves last week. Rick and I are immensely proud of it, and it thrills us that apparently some readers are enjoying the ride, as well.

From Benjamin Birdie's rave at

...when Rick Remender and Tony Moore work together to make comics about a reanimated Frank Castle doing pretty much anything, when you're finished and you put it down, there's really only one thing running through your head like a suspended Buick chassis rigged to slam you into a brick wall: "This is the best damn comic I have ever read."

And an excerpt from Chad Derdowski's review:

At this point, I’m just hooked – line and sinker. No matter what the age, all men have a 12-year-old boy lurking within their soul. Moore and Remender manage to extract that young spirit and distill its essence into 22 pages of violence, humor and gore. God bless them.

Have more reviews? please share 'em in the comments!

Punisher #11 preview art!


Anyone who's been wondering what the hell I've been doing and why I haven't updated this site in a dog's age now has their answer. It's with great joy I give you the first few pages of my first issue of Punisher #11: Franken-Castle!

Courtesy of

it's due on shelves Wednesday, Nov 18th!
if you're a skeptic, all i can say is, if you ever enjoyed what Rick and I do together, you'll surely dig what we've been laying down here.

Punisher #11: FrankenCastle solicits


My first issue of Punisher with long-time partner in crime, Rick Remender, is in solicitation now. If you've enjoyed what Rick and I have cooked up in the past, I guarantee you'll have fun with this. And just to quell the speculation, YES, it is exactly what it looks like... but much more awesome than what you're thinking. I wouldn't lead you wrong, would I?

In the belly of New York, skulking and forgotten creatures of the night uncover the remains of a man in a familiar outfit. Frank Castle is dead. What exactly IS Frankencastle? Long time collaborators Rick Remender and Tony Moore (GHOST RIDER, Fear Agent, The Walking Dead) are reunited for what will be the greatest struggle in the afterlife of the Punisher. Battle not with monsters, lest ye become a monster...
32 PGS./Parental Advisory ...$2.99

for more info, go to

introducing The SkinBender


this hot leathery Japanese nightmare is a malicious new villain whom Jason Aaron and i introduce in Ghost Rider #35, and her name is The SkinBender. If you like the shenanigans we've been up to in the book so far, i think you'll really enjoy this one. it wraps up my run on Ghost Rider, and I couldn't be prouder of what we've done in these scant 3 issues.

for a larger view, visit the SKETCHBOOK GALLERY

also, you can already PRE-ORDER the upcoming paperback collection of Ghost Rider: Trials and Tribulations from!

The Highwayman redesign


Here's my redesign of the US-1 villain, The Highwayman, who will be making a glorious return in Ghost Rider #34 this April.

i'm pretty thrilled with the issue, and i think you guys will get a kick out of it, too!