Fear Agent Omnibus: Book 1 — COLONEL TONY MOORE

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Fear Agent Omnibus: Book 1

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Fear Agent Omnibus: Book 1

from $64.99

When down-and-out alien exterminator Heath Huston stumbles upon an extraterrestrial plot to commit genocide against the human species, he must put down the bottle and resume his role as a peacekeeper. . . the last Fear Agent!

Acclaimed writer Rick Remender (Uncanny X-Force, Venom) is joined by superstar collaborators Tony Moore (The Walking Dead, Venom) and Jerome Opeña (Uncanny X-Force, Punisher) in channeling the aesthetic sensibilities and spirit of high adventure of classic science fiction, war, and horror comics — three of the genres that made EC comics the high-water mark of sequential storytelling. Fear Agent takes readers through lush new worlds populated by jellyfish superbrains, wild apemen, and sentient amoeba beasts, and finally back to the frontlines of humanity's war with an automaton regime bent on universal domination!

This deluxe hardcover omnibus, the first of two, collects issues #1-15 of the acclaimed Fear Agent comics, along with half of the Tales of the Fear Agent sidestories, covers, pinups, and artists' sketch galleries.

480 pgs, full color

Autographed by Tony Moore

*Due to the massive weight of this volume, we require international orders to purchase the International "Yes" option here when adding this book to your cart, to cover the unavoidable extra expense of international Priority shipping, in addition to our standard international shipping charges that are incurred at checkout.

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