Fear Agent vol.3: The Last Goodbye TPB — COLONEL TONY MOORE

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Fear Agent vol.3: The Last Goodbye TPB


Fear Agent vol.3: The Last Goodbye TPB


Written by Rick Remender. Art by Tony Moore

The origin of the last Fear Agent revealed! Fan-favorite creators Rick Remender and Tony Moore reunite to tell the most pulse-pounding yarn yet. Trucker Heath Huston returns home after months on the road to find his troubles have only just begun as Earth is attacked by the three feuding alien races! Within hours, nearly every living creature on the planet is obliterated, leaving Heath and his wife Charlotte trapped in the middle of a nightmare with no way out!

Collects Fear Agent #12 - #15. 104 pgs, full color

Autographed by Tony Moore

**3 editions are available. Please click the additional thumbnails to see.

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