Fear Agent vol.4: Hatchet Job TPB — COLONEL TONY MOORE

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Fear Agent vol.4: Hatchet Job TPB


Fear Agent vol.4: Hatchet Job TPB


Written by Rick Remender. Drawn by Jerome Opena.

From the subterranean mazes of the barbaric Kipferi, to a haunted planet populated by soul-eating ghouls, and finally to a showdown with the deadly space pirates of the Centurion Nebula, the obstacles before Heath Huston and his beleaguered band of Fear Agents become nearly insurmountable! The critically acclaimed team of Rick Remender, Jerome Opeña, and Kieron Dwyer spin a classic tale: drunk on an intergalactic adventure... and whiskey!

Collects Fear Agent #17 - #21. 104 pgs, full color

Autographed by Tony Moore


**2 editions are available. Please click the additional thumbnails to see.

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