Sketch of the Day! MARV (Sin City) — COLONEL TONY MOORE

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This section of the STORE will offer up my Sketch of the Day and other various sketches for sale. Art will rotate out regularly, so keep an eye on this page!

Sketch of the Day! MARV (Sin City)

Sketch of the Day! MARV (Sin City)


Frank Miller's SIN CITY is one of the comics industry's beacons for creator-owned properties. Miller was (and is) one of my comics heroes. and this book showcased him doing his thing in his element, which was an amazing thing to see, and hugely influential to me as a budding comics creator.

Here's MARV, one of the series' lead characters.

8.5" x 9.75, inks & acrylics (w/ Raphael brushes) and Copic Marker on chipboard.

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