Fear Agent: Final Edition Vol.3 — COLONEL TONY MOORE

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Fear Agent: Final Edition Vol.3

Fear Agent: Final Edition Vol.3


The critically acclaimed hit series FEAR AGENT returns to Image Comics! The homecoming begins with a new series of master edition trades, each collecting 10 issues of RICK REMENDER, TONY MOORE, and JEROME OPEÑA’s seminal pulp sci-fi classic! Veteran fans and new recruits alike can experience the whiskey-soaked, laser-scorched life of Heath Huston, the galaxy’s last Fear Agent, like never before. Loaded with never-before-seen scripts, variant covers, designs, and concept art.

Collecting the final two arcs of the legendary series! Following a genocidal campaign by the terrifying Tetaldian robot empire, Heath Huston finds himself as the sole surviving human in the universe. Now the prime target of the robotic hordes and their sinister co-conspirators, Heath sets off to uncover the secret history of the Tetaldians and a chance to set things straight. The stakes couldn’t be higher as the disgraced Fear Agent is presented with one final shot at the redemption he’s ached for his entire drunken life. Don’t miss the grand finale of the pulp sci-fi smash-hit.

Collects FEAR AGENT #22-32

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